Superports are ports that extend over diameters of a hundred miles or more; a superport connects all airports and train stations in a city or multi-city region with a door-to-door/gate-to-gate transit time of less than 20 minutes.
Access is the key to doubling high speed rail rider ship in a few years.
Access is the key to use of more highly-efficient grid-based transit that can cut fossil-fuel-based greenhouse gas emissions in half in a decade. Mankind needs this technology.
Superports will be a low-cost and high impact technology on a path of accelerated evolution in a new era of transportation, see Designed-To-Evolve [LINK].
Access is the key to doubling high speed rail rider ship in a few years.
Access is the key to use of more highly-efficient grid-based transit that can cut fossil-fuel-based greenhouse gas emissions in half in a decade. Mankind needs this technology.
Superports will be a low-cost and high impact technology on a path of accelerated evolution in a new era of transportation, see Designed-To-Evolve [LINK].