Aircraft Infrastructure is Poised for Rapid Advances
New aircraft are emerging at an astonishing rate, including:
- US Airforce Fast Tracking the Blended Wing-Body Jet,
- NASA's and Boeing's Truss-Braced Wing Jet,
- Tri-Wing Jumbo Jet, and
- Drone Weapons in Ukraine and India.
We Can Do Much Better!
The vision is low-cost nonstop trips and commutes traveling at top speeds rather than being stuck in traffic jams, [airport] queues, and stop lights. The vision is a transit infrastructure that is so low-cost that under-developed countries leapfrog concrete/asphalt highways and parking lots, going straight to a transit system that quickly connects that country while preserving still-existing nature—it is a future where worldwide access to hospitals, education, and food is not limited by distances. It is a future where the USA has a shame for wasting so many resources on concrete and asphalt, but where the USA has a pride in bringing this better future to Earth.

Aircraft are very energy efficient (Figure, left). Hence, if a high-transit flight corridor exists, airliner tickets cost less than gasoline for a single passenger today. With advances in efficiency, that margin will increase as air transit emerges as the single most efficient mode of fast (> 50 mph) transit.
This margin of superior performance is capable of increasing further with electric propulsion and air transit from residence to residence/business.
What about air taxis? There is a reason it is difficult to locate published efficiencies for the new air taxis emerging in the market--the efficiency is so terrible that it can be beat months after publishing. New alternatives are possible that are 3X to 4X the efficiency of those entry-level air taxi alternatives.
This margin of superior performance is capable of increasing further with electric propulsion and air transit from residence to residence/business.
What about air taxis? There is a reason it is difficult to locate published efficiencies for the new air taxis emerging in the market--the efficiency is so terrible that it can be beat months after publishing. New alternatives are possible that are 3X to 4X the efficiency of those entry-level air taxi alternatives.
Our TECH PORTFOLIO - Read on the science and the patents!
How is this possible?
- Poor performance of competition - The competition are using light-weight wings that are weak and slow.
- Fundamentally different approach - Aerial Towed Platforms are lifting body approaches that are robust and fast, but they must be used under very specific conditions to achieve these high performances.
- Higher Velocity - The Towed Platform's drag actually decreases with increasing velocity, which is an unusual and enabling characteristic.
Why is this happening?
The aircraft industry has been stagnant for decades; and they have many excuses, including taking a long time for changes to be made. Actually, the real story is a combination of factors: a) R&D never shows up well on the 3-month profit outlook of major corporations, b) both the industry and research community are relatively small and not very open to outsiders, c) lower R&D costs due to 3D printing and overnight availability of electronics/parts, and d) antiquated theories and antiquated aircraft designs.
But there is more, and it is very high impact!
In over a century of aviation, the industry has still not identified a "TRUE OPTIMUM" in aircraft design. That is why multiple different designs (blended wing-body, truss-brace wing, tri-wing) are all able to achieve increases in 30% efficiency; they are all operating at "local optima" in design space with the "true optimum" design having even greater capabilities (e.g. 2X the efficiency of the best Air Force bomber or commercial airliner).
The true optimum in aircraft design includes "bridging technologies" that merge all of the designs (even quadcopters and helicopters) into a single continuous design space leading to one converging economic sector for essentially all aircraft. The new generation of aircraft will be lower cost and more efficient than any other mode of transportation. The use of solar power and electric aircraft will make aircraft fully sustainable, lower cost, and a great solution to both dependence on petroleum and greenhouse gas emissions from petroleum. The science and technology are described by a series of papers on this web site.
The upside is huge and the cost is low!
* The Suppes Family Trust has a good position with US patent pending status. The touted commercialization routes are broken! Most venture capitalists attempt to take over the entire technology (this technology is too expansive to allow an investor to take over the whole thing), and after over a dozen SBIR proposals it is clear that review system is broken. China is proposed as the "adversary", and that may be true in the long-term picture. However, the reality of today is that the true adversaries are closer to home where technology is much more likely to be stolen in proposal review processes than funding rendered. That is why this project publishes technology within days of it being identified! The commercialization approach is simple, patents are pending in the US, but the rest of the world is an open market for collaborators! There will be no dilution of US patent/market rights to unreasonable investors.
The cost is low because it is a scalable technology, and the upside is huge because it includes the entirety (and expands) the subsonic aircraft sector. See the below two images: (technology pitches are published herein.)
The cost is low because it is a scalable technology, and the upside is huge because it includes the entirety (and expands) the subsonic aircraft sector. See the below two images: (technology pitches are published herein.)